Duty Descriptions

If in doubt - invoke the right of parley - we adhere to the pirate's code.

Officer of the Day should be at the clubhouse by 9.30am on normal sailing days and 8.30am on Regatta Days. Boat Captain/Crew and Timekeeper should be at the clubhouse at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled start of the first race or 8.30am on Regatta days. Check the Race Calendar.

Officer of the Day (OTD)

Note: Officer of the Day must not leave the fenced grounds of KCC except to transport the Support Boat to/from the ramp and to assist in an emergency (it is still best to delegate if possible). There must always be a Club Member within hearing of the radio whilst boats are on the water!

Officer of the Day must be a minimum of 18 years of age.

The Officer of the Day is a member of the RACE OFFICIALS on a sailing day. Refer to the Sailing Instructions.

Review KCC Operational Plan and perform duties in accordance. If the KCC COVID-19 Plan is active, perform additional supervision in accordance with the plan.

Assisting with compliance with KCC's policy of no cash or valuables on the premises and no confidential information maintained on the premises.


  1. 9.30am - Executive Committee Member will unlock both Club double gates (Ward Street) & Open Club (8.30am on Regatta Days)
  2. Obtain Club internal keys (see a committee member if you don't know how)
  3. Unlock Garage Door, Switch on Shower Boosters at the switchboard.
  4. Raise Flags, Switch on radios and other indicators.
  5. Radio check with support boat as soon as they are ready to go on the water. KCC uses VHF Channel 77 and has a call sign of “Kurnell Club”. The Race Committee Vessel Support Boat uses a call sign of “Kurnell 1". Other Support Boats use “Kurnell 2",3,4 etc). The UHF radio is not normally used but if you do need to use it, use Channel 94.
  6. Open canteen & shutter, Back room, balcony door and some windows.
  7. If the Canteen Manager has not already:- 3/4 fill the urn and switch to medium. Arrange tea cups & mugs.
  8. Arrange tables & chairs
  9. Perform Canteen Duties. Call for help from other members as needed to assist
  10. Check toilets and place paper towels, toilet rolls etc out if necessary. (Tell Canteen Officer if stocks are low)
  11. Place food in warmers if Canteen Manager has not already done so.
  12. Restock the fridge with soft-drinks & juices if Canteen Manager has not already done so.
  13. Have a Coffee Break - don't get too stressed - garner some assistance if you need it from other members!
  14. Oversee canteen until you can get some help. If necessary - shut the Canteen whilst a Race is on.
  15. Receive race fees & initial sign-on. Keep race fees and any membership fees separate to the Canteen $.
  16. Set-up finishing timesheets, sign on sheets (and regatta registration forms if a regatta is on), stopwatches & binoculars if regular Timekeeper is not in attendance. The sheets are available to download from the Sailing Instructions page of the KCC website.
  17. Authorise any change of skipper, crew or boats as per Sailing Instructions. Coordinate with Race Secretary or Assistant Race Secretary.
  18. Perform timekeeper's duties as per separate instructions sheet if a regular Timekeeper is not in attendance.


  1. Oversee canteen & race fees as per points earlier, call for help from other members as needed to assist. If necessary - shut the Canteen whilst a Race is on.
  2. Authorise any change of skipper, crew or boats as per Sailing Instructions. Coordinate with Race Secretary or Assistant Race Secretary.
  3. Perform timekeeper's duties as per separate instructions sheet if regular Timekeeper is not in attendance, else assist.

After Racing

  1. Organise tractor to be taken to ramp for Support Boat(s).
  2. Perform Canteen Duties for at least 1 hour after the last boat has finished racing. Call for help from other members as needed to assist. If alchohol is being served ensure you have an assistant who has RSA qualification. Refer Licensee if in doubt. Get help to run the canteen if it conflicts with other duties. Canteen is lowest priority.
  3. Turn off all radios and indicators and ensure cords are not hanging down.
  4. Lower & store flags
  5. Hose out ladies and gent's showers & toilets
  6. Put chairs up, sweep floors. Check phone key has been put away.
  7. Turn off shower boosters & ensure all hoses are put away.
  8. Check & lock garage.
  9. Lock canteen & shutter (Check with Canteen Manager they have finished), computer room, balcony door and windows.
  10. Turn out the lights (check the outside ones as well) & check everyone is physically out of the club.
  11. Replace Club internal keys. Put garbage bins out for collection in street.
  12. Lock main shutter door to the club & lock all gates. Do not allow members or non members to use the "we'll lock up, you can go" excuse re the Club or garage unless at least 1 (one) current Committee member is willing to stay behind supervising the lock up and that member has keys. The Canteen is not permitted to remain open for any reason once the OTD and Canteen Manager has left.
  13. Check boat yard gates are locked including the Front boatyard, the Front Boatyard building/garage door and all KCC buildings, junior boatshed and garages/external gates are locked.
  14. Do a quick sweep of the beach and surrounding area for any gear that’s been left behind.
  15. Organise for any Race Fees or non-canteen money to be provided to Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer or an Executive Committee Member. The Club has a "no-cash on premises" policy.

Special Notes

  1. You are in charge of the club! Familiarise yourself with the KCC Sailing Instructions and the KCC Operational Plan (both attached to Notice Board or on the KCC website). The KCC Operational Plan contains our emergency safety procedures!
  2. You should ensure that there is always a club member in the club at all times (Don't leave radios, children or canteen without a club member on the floor - no exceptions!)
  3. Monitor the weather and stay in touch with the Race Committee Vessel Support Boat (especially in adverse weather situations or if adverse weather is predicted)
  4. Refer any incidents, accidents or unusual events to the KCC Secretary for documentation.
  5. Provide advice and consultancy to the Junior Division Representatives in relation to sailing and safety at KCC.
  6. If you need help, ask for it! Whilst you are responsible for the tasks, you aren't expected to do them all by yourself!

Boat Captain and Boat Crew

  1. Review KCC Operational Plan and Safety Management System and perform duties in accordance.
  2. Review Race Calendar online and arrive at least 2 hours prior to the first scheduled race except on Regatta days when you should arrive before 8.30am.
  3. The Race Committee Vessel Support Boat Captain (KCC) is a member of the RACE OFFICIALS on a sailing day. Refer to the Sailing Instructions.
  4. Prepare Race Committee Vessel Support Boat (KCC1) and other Support Boats according to needs of the race series. (Check fuel, oil, hooter, anchors, race buoys, flags, bungs, radio, safety gear, pre-run boat motor, check tractor fuel, oil and water).
  5. You are responsible for fuelling the boats and ensuring the oil is full. KCC1 is fueled with unleaded fuel and a separate oil tank with 2 stroke oil. The engine when running does the mixing. Never place 2 stroke fuel directly in KCC1's fuel tank. The other support boats may run on 2 stroke or unleaded fuel. If 2 stroke and pre-mixed never run them on unleaded fuel. Check the operating instructions or refer to an experienced committee member.
  6. You are responsible for fuelling the tractor. Check the type of fuel the tractor uses. Never place incorrect fuel type in the Tractor. Also check the tractors engine oil level and the radiator water level. If in doubt - ask!
  7. Make sure you have your Boat Driver's License (mandatory - if you do not hold a licence you can crew but cannot drive any KCC boats), fresh drinking water, life jackets, safety gear as per NSW Maritime regulations and personal gear safely stowed on-board. This should include some warm and wet weather gear. Ensure you have a sharp knife, binoculars and shackle key on board for emergencies and access to a first aid kit. It is also desirable to have a mobile phone on board as radio backup and that the OTD knows your number. Make sure you know KCC's phone number 0481487955.
  8. Make sure you have a copy of and refer to the latest Sailing Instructions and Operational Plan for procedures on the water.
  9. Perform a radio check on VHF radio channel 77 with the clubhouse OTD. Your call sign is “Kurnell 1” (other support vessels are Kurnell 2,3,4 etc). The clubhouse call sign is “Kurnell Club”.
  10. Launch Race Committee Vessel (KCC1) after meeting with Race Secretary, Assistant Race Secretary, Officer of the Day or delegate re the conditions, course and decision to race.  Officer of the Day or a Committee Member can often be engaged to drive the Tractor down. Do not force someone to drive the tractor if they have not done it before. Also note that if there is no OTD, then there is to be no racing!
  11. Note that from the completion of the Race Briefing you are responsible for the Decision to Race or continue racing unless the Race Secretary is ashore and assumes responsibility. Refer to the Sailing Instructions and Operational Plan.
  12. Stay in communication with Officer of the Day via Radio regularly and remember to warn and advise them of the Start Time for the first division and any deviation from scheduled starts (eg if boats are OCS or a division does not start in correct sequence, is recalled or starts at a different interval).

After racing:-

  1. Run boat motor with fresh water.
  2. Wash down boat, gear (including boat anchor, buoy anchors/ropes, boat motor etc) and tractor with fresh water. Hose down the boat trailer thoroughly! Clean inside of boat. Remove all rubbish from the boat! Perform similar actions on other Support boats.
  3. Wipe down the windscreen with a clean cloth both inside and outside to remove salt.
  4. Turn off the radio and isolator switch in the boat.
  5. Ensure tractor key is hung up and not left in the ignition.
  6. Advise KCC Club Boat Captain or KCC Equipment Officer of any defects.
  7. Advise President, Equipment Officer or KCC Boat Captain of fuel/oil status of tractor and boat after racing. Update the blackboard with any defects or shortages.
  8. Store boat, gear, tractor and lock garage (garage door and upstairs door). The boat should be ready for the next day's racing when you are finished.
  9. Also advise of any incidents or accidents that may have occurred on the water or in relation to your duties and if considered serious with potential legal consequences, request they be documented by KCC OTD and advised to the KCC Secretary.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For KCC Juniors, the KCC Junior President and/or KCC Junior Representative should perform similar actions to the above for any Support Vessels used for club Junior Monohull racing.


Performed by Officer of the Day if our regular Timekeeper is not available. If Officer of the Day performs this duty and is the only member in the Clubhouse, it is recommended they close the canteen from 15 minutes before the first race until the Support Boats have been retrieved from the water after racing.
  1. Review KCC Operational Plan and perform duties in accordance.
  2. Familiarise yourself with the event from the Race Calendar, Sailing Instructions and radio operation. (Refer to the Contact page of the KCC website or the Operational Plan).
  3. The Timekeeper is a member of the RACE OFFICIALS on a sailing day. Refer to the Sailing Instructions.
  4. Ensure the time on the KCC Club Clock is accurate. Match it to any mobile phone that has reception.
  5. Obtain a copy of the timekeeper's sheet from the computer room/desk and fill out race details (Notify Race Secretary if you use the last sheet. Replacement sheets can be obtained from the Sailing Instructions page on the KCC website)
  6. Obtain at least two stop watches and binoculars from the computer room (stored in cupboard)
  7. Perform "radio check" with Race Committee Vessel Boat Captain and assist/notify Race Committee Vessel Boat Captain as to finish line accuracy in relation to viewing from KCC Club House if that line is used for the event. Radio channels and call signs are on the Contact page of the KCC website and in the Operational Plan.
  8. Make radio contact with Race Committee Vessel at least 10 minutes before the first race, if they have not contacted you..
  9. Start stop watches on signal from Race Committee Vessel and time the race off the first division to start. (Be prepared to run a second stopwatch if a division is recalled and has to re-start)
  10. Record the Sail Number, Boat Class and Finish Time of all Boats as they cross the finish line relative to the stop watches. If they finish incorrectly, still record time but highlight with comments on the sheet.
  11. Record all DNF (Did Not Finish), DNS (Did Not Start), DSQ (Disqualified), OCS (On Course Side of start line)  and DNC (Did Not Come to Start).
  12. Record who the Boat Captain, Boat Crew and Officer of the Day were on the sign-on sheet and timekeeper's sheet.
  13. Check Sign-on Sheet against timekeeper's sheet (i.e. number of boats match) and notify Support Boat Captain when all boats have finished and are accounted for so that they may pull up the buoys and come to shore.  If someone is not accounted for, commence verification/search procedures to locate them. If they have not been accounted for within 5 minutes, action the KCC Operational Plan Appendix B.
  14. Give timekeeper's sheet to Race Secretary or Assistant Race Secretary ASAP after the last boat has finished. If the Race Secretary and Assistant Race Secretary are not in attendance at the club, scan or photograph the timekeeper’s sheets and email to the KCC Race Secretary and the KCC Webmaster.
  15. One hour after last boat has finished, check Sign-on sheet that all boats have signed-off (if SI's do not require sign-off then ensure you have counted the boats as they come to shore upon finishing) and give sheet to Race Secretary or Assistant Race Secretary.  If the Race Secretary and Assistant Race Secretary are not in attendance at the club, scan or photograph the sign on-off sheets and email to the KCC Race Secretary and the KCC Webmaster.
  16. If someone has not signed off (or not come to shore if SIs do not require sign-off), commence verification/search procedures to locate them. If they have not been accounted for within 10 minutes, refer to the KCC Operational Plan Appendix B. If they have forgotten to sign-off, if applicable in SIs, refer to the Sailing Instructions for penalties and inform Race Committee.
  17. Put stop watches and binoculars away.

Special Notes

  1. Keep a watch on all boats for mishaps and distress. Notify Race Committee Vessel Boat Captain if you suspect a boat is in trouble.

  2. Watch out for children who may take the opportunity to play with stop watches or other gear during a race.

  3. Listen to general radio broadcasts and notify Race Committee Vessel Boat Captain of items of importance. (Approaching bad weather is a good example). Always have someone within earshot of the radios when there are Race participants, Club Members or Official Boats on the water.

  4. Be alert to boats that come to shore either as legitimately finished or as DNF/DNS and then go back out for a pleasure sail.

  5. Timekeeper also usually assists with the collection of Race Day Fees and passes them to the Treasurer at the conclusion of racing.

Canteen Staff (Officer of the Day usually)

Note:  If the Officer of the Day performs this duty and is the only member in the Clubhouse, it is recommended they close the canteen from 15 minutes before the first race until the Support Boat(s) have been retrieved from the water after racing.
  1. Responsible for running of the canteen on a race day. Canteen Manager usually opens the Canteen and does initial setup. If they are absent it falls to you to perform this task. Refer to a General Committee Member for guidance / help.
  2. Operate Canteen for approximately 2 hours prior to racing until 15 minutes prior to scheduled racing. It is usually closed during racing until the Tractor has been organised to retrieve the Support Vessels.
  3. You are responsible for keeping the food warmers stocked during the day and serving in the canteen. If you need help, ask for help from Club Members. Prices are on the blackboard.
  4. At completion of the day’s racing (usually after the last boat is ashore), re-open the canteen for approximately 90 minutes (this may be extended to ~120 minutes at your discretion and during Regattas and Special Events but refer to the Canteen Manager for guidance).
  5. You are responsible for cleaning up the canteen (washing/drying up, sweep floor, wipe down benches, empty urns, empty bins, place new liners in bins, clean food warmers and disposing of un-eaten/expired foods.)
  6. Tally the cash in register (keeping canteen money separate from any other fees taken). Hand Canteen money to Canteen Manager and other money to Treasurer (noting what the money was for). If the Canteen Manager and Treasurer are not in attendance, hand the money to an Executive Committee Member.
  7. Report to the Canteen Manager on food/drink stocks at completion of the day (i.e. observed shortages so that they can organise re-stocking prior to the next event)
  8. Lock up the canteen. See an Executive Committee Member if you don’t know how to lock up. No cash or valuables should be left in the canteen or indeed the Club. Never leave the Canteen open in control of anyone else when you are leaving except the Canteen Manager or the Licensee. There are to be no “she’ll be right, we’ll lock up” episodes.


  • Unless a current Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) certificate holder and the Licensee are physically present at the Club, no alcohol is to be served / sold.  They should have their RSA card on them or readily available in the Services NSW app on their phone.
  • Alcohol is also not to be served until after racing has been completed for the day and must cease if the RSA certificate holder or Licensee leaves the premises.
  • Alcohol is not to be sold to or procured for any person under 18 years of age. Proof of age must be produced if in any doubt. Likewise, alcohol must not be sold to or procured for any intoxicated persons on or near the premises.
  • No persons under 18 years of age are permitted behind the canteen counter or near the bar counter if alcohol is being served. No exceptions!
  • Alcohol is not to be sold, except to KCC members, visiting competing sailors and their bona fide guests. Alcohol is not to be sold to the public!
  • All alcohol must be opened when served/sold.
  • Be wary of the public wandering in and masquerading as sailors or their guests and attempting to purchase alcohol. Do not sell to them and ask them to immediately leave the premises. If they fail to comply immediately contact the police.
  • Alcohol is not to be sold once the canteen closes for the day or closes at an event.     

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